Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Vicious Circle

Any of you not shave daily because you hate it and it irritates your skin? Or do you have sensitive skin? Today we are highlighting one of our articles called "The Vicious Circle". Read about why we think only shaving every few days can be the cause of shaving problems http://www.shaveinfo.com/Shave_info/vicious_circle.htm

If you haven't seen it yet why not check it out now!

Friday, September 10, 2010

ALERT and call to action! Why H.R.5786 - "Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010" may NOT be safe:

If you have sensitive skin and/or use (or interested in using) naturally based niche body care and shaving products please take time to read this post and help....

There is a bill that has been introduced into the House of Representatives called the "Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010" - but it is anything but safe! This legislation is not necessary and we already have the FDA. Do we really need more government bureaucracy and red tape at the expense of consumer choice and small business?

Here is a good article that explains what is going on http://personalcaretruth.com/2010/08/5-ways-the-%e2%80%9csafe-cosmetics-act%e2%80%9d-will-harm-consumers/ and another good resource http://naturalperfumersguild.blogspot.com/

Our company has been in business since 1997 and specializing in naturally based body care and wet shaving products. If the law makers get their way and this bill passes our customers my be forced to purchase mass-market heavily synthetic products without natural aroma and loaded with preservatives and synthetic colorants. For people like me and many of our customers who are sensitive to synthetically derived and man-made chemicals that would be devastating and bad for my/our health and skin!

In summary, it will cause many small business and naturally based body care manufactures to shut their doors. In addition, many natural ingredients could be banned. Why, well there are many opinions but mine is A) if a large mega-company can't control the market and the ingredient/s used in products then nobody should be allowed to and B) see "A".

I signed the online petition here http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/oppose-hr-5786-safe-cosmetics-act-of-2010 and included this personal comment

"As a small retail business specializing in naturally based men's care my customers appreciate products that are not mass-produced and provide consumer choice. Driving the small business out of the space will only be a win for the mega producers and make less options available to the consumer and drive many small business "out of business". What happened to the day when small business was the golden child and not the self serving mega-corps who want to dominate everything. PLEASE, Don't squash the many from the rhetoric of the few with hidden agendas by enacting legislation that strangles and prices out the small business and their happy consumers who want alternatives."

Please help me by Opposing HR 5786. You can also write your congress http://www.congressmerge.com/onlinedb/ or your senator http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

But MOST IMPORTANT: Please sign the online petition http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/oppose-hr-5786-safe-cosmetics-act-of-2010

It only takes a minute. THANKS!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Category Added

We have added a "For Women" category that provides traditional wet shaving information for women.
